Crate unc_jsonrpc_client

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Lower-level API for interfacing with the unc Protocol via JSONRPC.


Each one the valid public JSON RPC methods are pre-defined in specialized modules within the methods module.

Inside every method module (e.g methods::query) there’s;

Calling a constructed request on a client returns with the response and error types for that method.


  1. Request server status from testnet RPC

    use unc_jsonrpc_client::{methods, JsonRpcClient};
    let client = JsonRpcClient::connect("");
    let request = methods::status::RpcStatusRequest; // no params
    // call a method on the server via the connected client
    let server_status =;
    println!("{:?}", server_status);
  2. Query transaction status from mainnet RPC

    use unc_jsonrpc_client::{methods, JsonRpcClient};
    use unc_jsonrpc_primitives::types::transactions::TransactionInfo;
    let client = JsonRpcClient::connect("");
    let tx_status_request = methods::tx::RpcTransactionStatusRequest {
        transaction_info: TransactionInfo::TransactionId {
            tx_hash: "9FtHUFBQsZ2MG77K3x3MJ9wjX3UT8zE1TczCrhZEcG8U".parse()?,
            sender_account_id: "miraclx.unc".parse()?,
    let tx_status =;
    println!("{:?}", tx_status);


  • Helpers for client authentication.
  • Error types.
  • Client headers.
  • This module contains all the RPC methods.




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